
Chrysanthemum Flower Care and Meaning

You may wonder what the best way to care for Chrysanthemum flowers is. Luckily, there are many ways to care for them. Learn more about this beautiful flower in this article. We’ll also cover the…

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When to Repot Orchids

Orchid plants are tropical plants native to tropical regions in the world. Orchids need high humidity and temperatures between 70°F and 85°F to survive, so they shouldn’t be placed near doors, windows or air conditioners….

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How Long Can Flowers Go Without Water?

Have you ever wondered how long flowers can survive after being cut? How long can flowers go without water before they die? While fully grown flowers can survive without water for a week or longer,…

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Zinnia Flower Care and Meaning

You have probably seen these colorful flowers at the grocery store, garden center and online. Zinnias are popular for summer planting for their bright, cheerful blooms that come in many different hues. If you have…

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