There are many different kinds of asters. Some of these include the Frikart’s aster, Heath aster, and New England asters. You can learn about them in this article. Asters grow all over North America, including the Northeast. They are a beautiful flower and can be enjoyed year-round.
Heath aster
The heath aster, also known as white heath aster, frost aster, or white aster, is native to much of central and eastern North America, although it has also been introduced to parts of western Asia and Europe. It is one of the most common wildflowers, and it is widely used as a decorative plant.
The Heath aster plant grows up to three feet tall, with alternating pairs of leaves. These leaves are up to three inches long and approximately 1/4 of an inch wide near the base of the plant and one eighth of an inch wide near the flowering stems. As the plant matures, its lower leaves die off and its stems change color from green to brown. The plants also have fuzzy leaves and stems.

Frikart’s aster
The Frikart’s aster is a hybrid aster that blooms during the summer months. It is a cross between the Asian and Italian asters and is hardy from Zones 4 to 5. The plant grows to 60-90 cm tall and wide. It is best planted about 60 cm apart, and requires good drainage.
This easy-care perennial is one of the first perennials to bloom. It produces masses of lavender blue flowers with golden centers and slender rays. It prefers a sunny location with moderate moisture and a well-drained soil. It is also deer and rabbit-resistant. Its flowers are excellent cut flowers.
New England aster
The New England aster flower can be found in gardens, prairies, and fields. The bloom period varies from late summer to early fall. It is a perennial that grows 12 to 48 inches tall and grows on stout stems. The stems are covered in short, stiff, spreading white hairs. The plant grows best in rich soil in full sun or partial shade.
The New England aster can be grown in pots. They will grow tall and leggy, so it is best to thin the plant in early July to keep it manageable. They can also be staked.
New York aster
The New York aster flower is a flower in the family Asteraceae. Its type species is Symphyotrichum novi-belgii. Formerly, this plant was considered a part of the Aster genus, but it now belongs to its own genus.
The New York aster flower is a perennial with a wide range of color. It comes in a variety of cultivars. Some varieties are short and compact, and others are tall and upright. Most of these plants produce flowers that are between an inch and two
inches in diameter. Asters are often grown in formal gardens, but their free-blooming, one-inch flowers are popular in meadows and informal borders as well.