
How to Burn Calories While Sitting

How to Burn Calories While Sitting

There are a few ways to increase your calorie burn while sitting. One way is to fidget or do other activities that will get your blood pumping. Sitting for extended periods of time can cause many health issues. Sitting down for long periods of time increases your risk of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Sitting can also increase stress levels and decrease your energy levels. By adding physical activity to your daily routine, you can reduce these negative effects and burn calories at the same time.

Exercise equipment increases calorie burn while sitting

Using exercise equipment while sitting is beneficial for several reasons. Physical activity improves mood and energy levels, burns calories, and increases metabolism. Additionally, sitting for prolonged periods of time is bad for the body and can result in stress. Many of the popular exercise machines are adjustable, so users can choose an appropriate one for their body type and level of fitness. Below are some examples of desk exercise equipment:


The behavior of fidgeting can actually help you burn calories while sitting down. It’s an old psychological trick that has been around for over 20 years. Fidgeters often can’t sit still, which explains why they wiggle and pace in chairs and twist while waiting for the bus. Also, psychologists have found that fidgeting is common in certain personality types, particularly neurotic ones. This behavior is believed to serve as a comforter and a coping mechanism for stress.

Working out your abs
Working out your abs

Working out your abs

You’ve probably heard that working out your abs while sitting can help you burn more calories. But what exactly is this workout? Ab exercises don’t use heavy weights or require much muscle engagement, so they don’t burn calories as effectively as heavy weight training or cardio. That said, if you’re a desk-bound employee, you should find a way to get your abs in shape while sitting.

Sitting up straight

If you don’t stand up when you sit down, you may not realize that you’re actually burning calories. But it’s true. Studies have shown that sitting up straight while you work can result in an increase in fat oxidation, which can lead to an improved mood and a reduction in cortisol, a stress hormone that causes fat to be stored in the body. In addition to this, standing up and sitting straight helps your body work out muscles, resulting in more calories burned.

HIIT workouts

While HIIT workouts are good for your cardiovascular system and overall fat burning, they’re not so great for burning calories while sitting. They’re more suited to maintaining your fitness levels,

burning more calories, and improving sports performance. However, if you’re just starting out or are currently overweight, it’s best to start off slowly and build up from there. HIIT workouts should only be performed in a safe environment, so you should consult with a doctor before you begin.

How to Burn Calories While Sitting
How to Burn Calories While Sitting

Standing at your desk

Standing at your desk to burn calories while sitting is a great way to get more exercise while at your desk. It helps you burn calories and prevents the development of varicose veins and cardiovascular disease. Plus, standing at your desk increases your productivity. It can be done in a number of ways, and even while you are sitting, you can still burn calories. Here are five benefits of standing at your desk to burn calories while sitting:

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